A note from Mr Jackson

We are well into our first week back as a whole school. Thanks to everyone for the supportive roles they have played, that have enabled our return. Yesterday I published on Compass a letter from the Secretary of Education, Jenny Atta, that conveyed our more formal thanks to our parents and carers. 


Whipper Snipperer Oval

We are thankful for our band of volunteers who help out with keeping our nature strips so well trimmed. Please give the office a call if you would like to be added to this friendly team of parents!


While Banyule Council mow our oval, their equipment is unable to reach under the shrubs and trees. This leaves some long grass around the edges of the flat playing space. If you can lend a hand and offer to whipper snip or mow these unkempt pockets, it would be greatly appreciated. Let the office know if you can help out.


Staying Healthy 

I have had conversations with a range of parents who have sought further clarification around the attendance of unwell children at school. As we return from isolation, we are particularly alert to students who are unwell at school. Students who are experiencing coughing, sore throats, runny noses and headaches should not be attending school. I have encouraged parents to seek the advice of their local GP as to the health of their child and their attendance at school. A number have then had a COVID-19 test (all resulting in negative notifications thankfully) while others have been advised to stay at home and given time to recover from a cough. It is important at this precarious time, that we all make health decisions that consider the wellbeing of others.  Thanks to those parents who have ensured the health of all at school by keeping students at home when unsure about the health of their child.


School Arrival Time

A reminder that students should not arrive at school prior to 8:45am. This is the time that supervision begins in our playground. We are fortunate to have the services of OSHC that is available for students prior to the start of school.


Staggered Pickups

We are eager to ensure our older students in the 3-6 area leave the site as quickly as possible at 3:15pm. This will enable the smooth exiting of students in the early years at 3:30pm. A reminder to parents of the following

  • Parents should not use the Grandview Grove driveway entry to complete uturns. Grandview Grove is a narrow street and students are trying to exit safely from the gate. Parents are requested to avoid uturns on Grandview Grove, Victoria St, Davies Street and Bellevue Ave to ensure traffic continues to flow.
  • Please ensure that you are practising physical distancing behaviours while waiting at the gates
  • All students and parents are asked to use the crossings that skirt the school. The Davies Street and Grandview Grove crossings are supervised by council to ensure everyone’s safety.  We are eager to encourage all our students to develop an awareness of traffic and strategies to stay safe.

We will continue to monitor the movement of students, parents and traffic as they flow through and around the school to ensure that all our community are safe. With more cars on the road in the last week it is important to remind ourselves of the importance of child traffic safety.




RPSTV Assembly

While we are back on site parents are still unable to join us for a physical assembly. We continue to look forward to sharing news of what is happening at RPS and celebrate learning with our whole community by making available our Webex meeting. All are welcome to join us at the new start time of 2:45pm.


Meetinglink:  https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=mba927696438bb458d145e34cfba79435

Meeting number: 165 886 9455

Password: grMF9iVnh38