From the Principal

The last dance

Like many sport fans starved of recent live events, I was fascinated by the basketball series on the great Michael Jordan. I am much more of a cricket, AFL and netball fan but I was intrigued by Jordan’s drive, talent and commitment. 


Although Jordan’s greatness as a basketballer is unparalleled, his attitude towards others was sometimes questioned. However, he did have the humility to appreciate the talents of others and in several big play-off matches, directed the ball towards other players to take the key shot. He showed confidence in his team and the game awareness to know another player may be better positioned to take the crucial shot.


Good people take genuine delight in the accomplishment of others. At our College, it is the time for assessment and reporting and it is human nature to compare progress with friends and classmates. The success of others should be an opportunity for celebration and also reflection on how to improve our own performance. 


Our Year 12s have been wonderful this year. They have showed excellent spirit and leadership at a time when it would be easy to adopt a less than positive attitude. The support they have shown each other will be one of the permanent memories of 2020.


A Catholic education in the Jesuit tradition, aims to impart a sense of belonging, which is nurtured through cura personalis (care for the individual person), and a sense of purpose becoming a 'man or woman for others'. When this occurs at school, it has the potential for life-long transformation and impact.


As we move into the second part of 2020; we should be striving to work collaboratively and cooperatively and if others take the winning shot and they succeed; we should all delight in their achievement. Just as importantly, we will look out for each other and be quick to lend a consoling hand in times of need and disappointment.


Robert Henderson
