Myrniong and ELC

The Transition Back to School

With only five more sleeps until all Piccolo to Year Six students return to Myrniong, one would think the nine remaining days of Term Two will be much anticipated by all.  For some of our students, returning to the classroom may induce bouts of anxiety and nervousness.  Along with concerns about social distancing, some of our students will be worried about reconnecting with their peer group. 

On March 23rd, Junior School students went into their first day of our Remote Learning program.  78 days later, we will all return to our classrooms.  In that time, friendship groups may well have changed or even dissolved. In an article written by Kasey Edwards for ‘ABC Life’, she quotes friendship consultant Dana Kerford, who suggests children will be thinking “Where do I fit in? and “Is that group I was in still my group?”

Parents and teaching staff may well need to assist with transition from a steady Remote Learning routine to the return to school.  In the same article, children’s anxiety expert Karen Young puts forward the notion that “Parents should be aware their kids may not share their back-to-school worries.  You might get ‘What if I go to school and get sick?  What if I go to school and something else happens?” Other signs could be troubled sleeping, restlessness, bursts of anger over seemingly benign things, withdrawing or complaints about tummy upsets and headaches.

Ms Young suggests a conversation opener such as “It’s a big thing going back to school and it’s ok if you feel a bit worried.  That’s really understandable and normal.”

Junior School parents can be rest assured the staff will work hard to make the transition back to Myrniong a smooth one.  Our students are very capable, often more capable than we think.  We can underestimate how resilient they are and how easily they can adapt.Start typing your article in here

End of School Day Driveway Pick-Up Arrangements

With the increased traffic at 3.15 pm pick-up, we have opted for the use of two lanes at the front of the Junior School homestead.  Our Early Learning Centre students with Junior School siblings will continue to be brought over to wait in the verandah.  As traffic will further increase once our Years 3-6 students return on June 9th, parents are encouraged to be patient.  If you arrive and your children are not ready for collection, please proceed through the driveway and use McArthur Street to re-enter the Myrniong driveway. We also ask that, weather permitting, drivers please have their windows down for easier recognition.

Remote Learning Birthdays

The following Junior School students and staff have celebrated/will celebrate birthdays in May and June.  We wish them all the very best for their next trip around the sun.

*Annie Cameron – 3rd May

*Ben Brown – 6th May

*Aida Adamson and Sophie Rouse - 8th May

*Mrs. Nicole Atchison - 9th May

*Euan Baulch - 12th May

*Freddie Nagorcka - 13th May

*Amelia Bradbeer - 14th May

*Jack Nagorcka – 20th May

*Tom Nagorcka - 26th May

*Anika Nelson - 27th May

*Mrs Katrina Bull - 28th May

*Maggie Wallis - 31st May

*Mrs. Anne Kristin Christie and Sophie Spence - 2nd June

*Will Diprose – 3rd June

*Tommy Brown and George Nicholls - 6th June

*Shriaan Golwala – 10th June

*Lucy Manley – 24th June


A reminder that Term Two concludes at 3.15 pm on Friday, 19th June and Term Three commences on Tuesday 14th July.   We also confirm that although Sheepvention has been cancelled this year, Monday 3rd August remains a pupil free day. 


Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School