Specialist Program

Music- Justin Hall
Students in Upper Primary have learnt the song 'Stuck With U' performed by Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande. It was a song written during lockdown in the US and also helped students explore what happened musically over the lockdown period.
P.E- Hayley Northridge
Once onsite learning resumed the P.E. program worked hard each week on basic skills and moved into circuits and minor games where the students could use their skills they had learnt. The focus for the term was cricket, basketball and soccer.
The Upper Primary students focused on soccer this term. Each week they worked on the correct technique when kicking the soccer ball, putting their skills into action at the end of term during some activities and games.
Food Technology- Jane Stacey
During remote and flexible learning I was so happy to receive many photos of food students had prepared at home and stories of their cooking adventures with their families.
A popular recipe was the Mother’s Day biscuits. It was great to see students experimenting with the recipe and adding different toppings to their biscuits, such as sprinkles, chocolate chips or jam. For the last 5 weeks of this term, we have done some fun cooking – cheese and spinach scones, make our own breakfast, spiced apple and cranberry bliss balls, sandwiches and falafel wraps.
Construction Group
Students in Upper Primary are very engaged in the electives program on Wednesday afternoon. The students in the Construction group have used every day recycled products, to produce wonderful items and objects.
Last week Thai made a robot with moveable parts