Upper Primary Learning

Term 2
It is hard to believe that this time last term we were all looking forward to the first term holiday break. There was talk of the Corona Virus but nothing major. Then the Grand Prix was cancelled and within days we were told that schools would be finishing early for the term break, so teachers could start to prepare for ‘Remote Learning’.
So this term started very differently to anything that we had ever experienced before. Week one threw everyone into a spin, teachers, parents and of course students. As the weeks went on everyone seemed to come to terms with what was happening and everyone managed in a way that suited them.
It was great that so many kids were submitting work that they had completed at home. Feedback from parents was very positive and teachers were pleased to see more and more students join the webex meetings each week. These were a highlight. There was even a couple of virtual excursions which the students really enjoyed.
Then after five weeks the word came through that ‘school life’ could resume. The collective sigh from parents and teachers could be heard across the state. Students came back to school very excited to see their teachers, friends and classmates.
It was surprising how quickly the students settled back into school. Since then the students have worked really hard in class and have loved every minute playing with their friends. It is obvious that the one thing they all missed most during the ‘remote learning’ time was the interaction with each other.
Have a wonderful holiday and let’s hope that there are no surprises for us come the start of third term.
Chris Norman
Team Leader