Julie Elkin
Ourschool Alumni Program Coordinator
Last week on Friday 16th June, interested students from Business Management, Legal Studies and Accounting classes attended a forum organised by Ourschool and hosted by global professional services firm KPMG. They viewed a live stream from the Melbourne KPMG office, where they listened to the varied career pathways and current roles of four employees. Two employees from the Geelong office then spoke in person about their roles and answered various questions. This was a great opportunity to hear just what is meant by professional services, ‘vacationing’ and that your career pathway is not always as you would expect. Thanks to the students who attended on a pupil free day - that’s commitment!
Fiston Baraka aka ‘Baraka the Kid’ was a guest at the Rap Battle held on Thursday. He performed some of his pop/R&B tunes and also judged the best NGSC rapper. Thanks for giving up your time to give back to the school community.
Fiston Baraka
Fiston Baraka aka 'Baraka the Kid'
We also had a visit from alum Samantha Grimley, a research scientist at the Peter Doherty Institute, which is part of the University of Melbourne.
Sam works on vaccine design for viruses such as HIV, HTLV and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) and I oversees the operations of the high containment laboratories (where she works with microorganisms that pose a risk to human health). Samantha spoke with the VCE Biology and Year 10 Essential Science classes about her journey since leaving school and her current work.