Daniel Grozdanovski
Middle Sub-School Manager
Term 2 has been a great success and has been filled with many opportunities for students to continue building their knowledge and skills throughout the school year. Well done to all students who have been embracing the extracurricular activities the school has to offer.
Exams are now over, and I would like to extend a big congratulations to the students of the Middle Sub School for your behaviour and effort during the week. It is a skill preparing for and completing a series of exams and practising this will put students in a great place to be successful moving forward in their studies. Well done all!
Suggestion Box
A suggestion box has been created digitally and shared with students online. The aim is to allow all students to share their opinions and gather information to improve our student voice and agency. Suggestions from the box will be taken to SRC students and staff to filter through and continue to make improvements to the college.
Careers Term 3
A big start to Term 3 with Year 10 Careers week occurring in Week 3 and the Year 9 Careers Day occurring on the 1st of August. These events will help inform our students of the range of opportunities available to them and help shape their pathways moving forward. In particular for Year 10 students this will involve the important process of identifying a pathway into their senior years of the college. During the week they will be spoken to by a variety of people, visit a university/tafe and be given a wealth of information to make an informed decision about their future.
I would like to congratulate the below students on their amazing efforts throughout the first semester. They are the top three students in each year level for most green entries from staff members. Well done and keep up the good work!
Year 9
- Ela Mulayim
- Leah Rodgers
- Jeremiah Khaing
Year 10
- Daisy Tillson
- Lucas Tye
- Thomas Airey