Paul Dawson Bradley Headlam Sarah Bridges
As we approach the end of Semester One, we can reflect on all the engaging opportunities NGSC students have had both in the classroom and as extracurricular activities. Athletics, musical evening, debating, inter-school sports, Be Bold Be Heard, lunchtime activities, and many more, have been enjoyed by students and staff. These valuable activities certainly build the NGSC community and display our values.
Exams/ GAT
During weeks 9 and 10 students across the school completed exams, including the GAT for senior students. It is pleasing to note that students were prepared for the exams and had a positive approach to this form of assessment.
Year 10 and 11 students had exams for all of their subjects, Year 9 in the core subjects of Maths, English, Science and Humanities. Year 7, 8 and 9 SEAL had exams in Maths, Science, English and Humanities. Year 7 and 8 students sat English and Maths exams. We again utilised the Gym to cater for the increase in the number of students who were undertaking exams.
Semester 2 Reports
Reports are due to be released to students and families in week one of term 3, providing detailed information about student progress. Parent Teacher conferences will be held on August 10th.
Progress Reports
Students who have had consistently high progress reports, or have made significant improvement, have had their efforts acknowledged at sub school assemblies. It is great to see so many uploading our values of achievement and excellence. Well done to all students on their hard work in Semester One. Students who have consistently received high scores or have shown considerable improvement in Semester 1 in Years 7-10 will be recognised with an excursion and the 11-12s will also be acknowledged.
Disability Inclusion
The Disability Inclusion program is expanding under the new funding system. There is a strong team supporting students, including 4 teaching staff (including the coordinator and Learning Specialist) and 22 ESS (mixture of part- time and full-time staff). This has allowed us the opportunity to increase support to students and develop Individual Education Plans for students who require them. These plans are on Compass for staff to implement. Professional development on differentiation was the focus of the last whole school curriculum day and staff are building their capacity to ensure learning is engaging for all students.
Be Bold Be Heard
At a recent staff meeting two representatives from Be Bold Be Heard presented to staff. They spoke about how staff could support students in addressing student behaviour that discriminates/vilifies others.
Morrisby/Career Pathways
Students in Year 9 have undertaken Morrisby interviews. These aim to highlight positive traits and link these to future aspirations and career goals. Interviewers' reports were very positive, and students engaged well. This will benefit the upcoming subject selections.
Disengaged Students
Student Managers and Assistant Principal team have been working on targeted interventions for students who are disengaged from school and their learning. This includes such things as promoting student voice (what is working at school), building relationships, managing anxiety, referral to Student Wellbeing and other specialists. All these support re-engagements.
Term Break
We would like wish students and families a safe break (keep warm) and we will see you back at school on Monday 10th July.