Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to witness not just one, but two inspiring presentations of our life design program last week. The experience left me truly awestruck by the depth of knowledge shared and the transformative impact this program can have on shaping our lives.


The life design program is an innovative and comprehensive approach to helping students explore and develop their strengths, interests, and motivations over the course of four years. During this period, students engage in a series of activities and introspective exercises aimed at understanding themselves better and gaining clarity on their passions and aspirations.


Throughout the four-year program, students participate in various workshops, self-assessment tests, and one-on-one counselling sessions with experienced mentors. These interactions enable them to identify their unique strengths, talents, and areas of interest, as well as gain insights into what truly motivates and drives them.


Once students have completed this self-discovery phase, they enter year 10, where they embark on the "next level self" program. In this phase, they get the opportunity to align their passions and interests with their academic pursuits. Working closely with their teachers, students explore various subject options and consider how each subject can contribute to their personal growth and future goals.


The 13-week period during year 10 serves as a crucial stage for students to make informed decisions about their academic trajectory. They analyse how different subjects resonate with their individual strengths and interests, aiming to create a personalised and meaningful learning experience. By connecting their passions with academic subjects, students are more likely to feel engaged, motivated, and fulfilled in their studies.


One key aspect of the "next level self" program is the requirement for each student to meet with a leader or expert in the 7-12 space. These leaders may be educators, career advisors, or professionals from various fields. During these meetings, students are encouraged to articulate and justify their subject choices based on their self-discovery journey, highlighting the connections between their interests and the subjects they have selected.


The meeting with the leader serves as a critical checkpoint in the student's academic and personal development. It provides an opportunity for students to showcase their understanding of themselves and their future aspirations, as well as demonstrate their ability to make thoughtful and well-informed decisions about their educational path.


Additionally, last week was the final presentation of students in Year 9 Entrepreneurial program. Students had to pitch  a product that they had designed to a group of “Sharks” from UTS Startups. UTS Startups are part of the University of Technology Sydney that support small businesses in launching products that have an impact on society. Both our external judges and I were overawed by the level of critical thinking, preparations and the quality of presentations of the students. I look forward to putting in orders for each of their products.


Overall, the life design program and the "next level self" program foster an environment of self-awareness, exploration, and purposeful decision-making. By empowering students to align their passions with their academic pursuits, the school creates a more personalised and fulfilling learning experience, setting the stage for greater success and satisfaction in their future endeavours.


Kind Regards, 


Kelly Bauer