From the Principal

Dear Families,
It has been another eventful and wonderful week at Galilee!
On Wednesday our soccer team competed at the Interschool Competiton, on Thursday we competed in the Interschool Netball and today the Football team played at Kooyong Park.
Last night we held our first Instrumental Music Performance in 3 years. It was very well attended and the students were amazing (see photos under school news).
As the community is aware, Simon Millar was in a biking accident. There have been an overwhelming number of families contacting the school and wanting to know how they could do something to help and show their care for Simon as he recovers.
At this stage, there is nothing that we can really 'do', however, we thought it best to join our efforts.
Year level reps have been in touch with their year levels.
A whole school group has been created and all money donated will be converted to vouchers and other items that may assist Simon and his family as he recovers.
There is no obligation to put in money, you may just like to only sign the card on the group together.
Please look out for information from our SRC and Social Justice Leaders that will be sent early next week. They have decided to support the St. Kilda's Mums Project 'COATS FOR KIDS'.
Semester One Student Reports will be available on Friday 23rd June, 2023.
On Thursday 22 June, a link for you to access your child's school report will be emailed to you.
The email address the link will be sent from is (not the school).
We will email out more detailed information on Monday.
Galilee’s Student Reports are in line with the reporting standards of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Your child’s report will be made accessible electronically, via a Parent Portal, for you to read and discuss with your child.
- The Reports provide detailed checklists indicating student achievement across the Victorian Curriculum and Religious Education Framework.
- All Victorian schools are mandated to fully implement The Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework with the following expectations:
- The standard curriculum frameworks approved for use by Victorian Catholic schools are the Victorian Curriculum F–10, the Religious Education Framework and the EAL (English as an Additional Language) Developmental Continuum P–10.
- Where achievement is displayed graphically, it must be accompanied by a scale.
- Judgements must be displayed in a way that conveys progress since the last time the standard(s) were reported against in the school.
- The scale must be an age-level-expected scale.
- Achievement must be displayed using a five-point scale and will show growth, if it has occurred, since the last Report.
Your child’s achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework for the semester is rated against a five point descriptor scale, displayed by a Dot, which identifies whether your child is:
∙ Well above the standard: Well above the standard expected at this time of year
∙ Above the standard: Above the standard expected at this time of year
∙ At the standard: At the standard expected at this time of year
∙ Below the standard: Below the standard expected at this time of year
∙ Well below standard: Well below the standard expected at this time of year
Not all dimensions of a Learning Area are reported on each semester. If a child is showing the same result as the end of Semester Two 2022, this does not mean that progress has not occurred. Progress is not always even and each child has his/her own rate of learning. Each increment represents six month’s growth and your child may still be progressing but consolidating what has been learnt previously, (your child may have shown five month’s growth but not moved up an increment).
The Student Report format will contain a personalised General Comment about the student’s academic achievement, personal and interpersonal skills, thinking skills, organisational skills as well as Behaviour and Effort.
In the Student Report, the Achievement Standards, from the Victorian Curriculum are presented in a table. Each student will be marked on the Achievement Standards, from the Victorian Curriculum against a five-point scale. The table will indicate the student's level of mastery of each Achievement Standard with a tick against the scale heading that best represents their level of achievement.
The six-point scale used in the Student Reports includes the same headings as those used:
- Working well above the expected range: Well above the standard expected at this time of year
- Working above the expected range: Above the standard expected at this time of year
- Working within the expected range: At the standard expected at this time of year
- Working towards the expected range: Below the standard expected at this time of year
- Working below the expected rage: Well below the standard expected at this time of year
- No evidence/Did not complete: No work submitted
The Report will provide you with an overview of your child’s achievements and assist in strengthening our family-school partnership. The Student Report is intended to promote discussion about how we can work together to benefit your child. You are encouraged to speak positively about your child’s progress and areas they can develop further. If you have any questions, please discuss them with the classroom teacher.
Formal Reporting on student achievement and progress occurs four times a year at Galilee:
- A Parent Teacher Conference at the end of Term 1, for families with students in Year 1-6 (Meet the Teacher Conferences occurs early in Term 1 for Prep students).
- A Semester One Student Report, reporting on student achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and Religious Education Framework that families will be able to access on Thursday 22nd June, 2023.
- A Parent Teacher Conference at the end of Term 3, for families with students in Prep - Year 6.
- A Semester Two Student Report, reporting on student achievement and progress against the Victorian Curriculum and Religious Education Framework that families will be able to access prior to the end of the school year.
We look forward to sharing the Semester One Reports with you and would like to congratulate the students of Galilee for their efforts throughout Semester One, 2023.
Kind Regards
Amy Burns and Carlo Martello
Acting Principals
Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School