It is safe to say that the hectic antics of our Year 12 cohort are in the past and our days of fun and celebration are sadly behind us (much to the teachers’ delight). However, as the school year comes to a close for the graduating class of 2023, there is still plenty of work and learning to be done by the remainder of the McKinnon community.
While many of our senior students are hard at work on their exams each day, there is much to look forward to for the rest of the college. The Senior Art Show is a prestigious showcase of the amazing talent that our very own students display through their impressive artwork. It is approaching fast, and I encourage everyone who is able to attend and show their support for our art program. We look forward to celebrating these distinguished artists and wish them luck for the upcoming show.
As I prepare for my final VCE exam this week, I have taken this time to reflect on the past 13 years of my schooling life, and I find myself unbelievably grateful for everything that McKinnon has taught me and all the opportunities it has given me to be an ambassador for my community. If there is any advice I could give to the future students of our wonderful school it is to cherish the memories and friends that you have made so far, and to be open to all of the opportunities that the future is waiting to provide for you. Especially to the emerging class of 2024, prepare yourselves for a crazy year up ahead, but most importantly, enjoy every minute of it.
For those of you who have children that are currently sitting their VCE exams, or brothers and sisters that are studying hard, all we ask for is your support and patience while we bring these final days to a close. We are all extremely grateful for the sacrifices that have been made, I know I certainly am, and we thank you for all of your support.
Bianca Sguario 12K
We’re halfway through Term 4 and so much has happened already, and there is so much still to come! East Campus is still buzzing with exciting events and assessments for all year levels, making for a thrilling wind down for the holidays.
East Campus was hungry for food this week with two different food stalls taking place on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 November. The East Campus Language Society blessed the Campus with a Pop-Up Crepe stall on Wednesday 1 November during lunch time. The crepes were made in front of you and topped with luscious sauces and garnishes which made for a busy lunchtime!
If that wasn’t enough, the Volleyball Australian Schools Cup Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser took place on Thursday 2 November. MCK Volleyball raised lots of money during lunchtime, and even ran a raffle to pair with the snags. Thank you to both organisations for the food stalls throughout the week.
The Year 9s are currently beginning revision for their last big task of the year, Year 9 exams. Taking place in Week 8 (Thursday 23 November), all Year 9 students will sit an hour exam for both Maths and English in revision of topics from Semester 2. We wish all students good luck for their revision and exams.
I wish everyone the best of luck for the rest of Term 4, and hope for a relaxing end to the term.
Sophie Ashton 9K