EXAMS (Years 10-11)

Students in Years 10 and 11 will undertake their exams over the coming weeks. Subject teachers have provided students with the specific details about their exam, including specific dates, exam structure/content, and revision resources. We wish all Senior students the best of luck during the upcoming exam period. 

EXAMS (Year 9)

As part of our Year 9s transition program back to the Main Campus (McKinnon Road), all Year 9s will undertake exams on Thursday 23 November.


Students must be in full summer uniform. Students MUST NOT wear PE Uniform.


All Year 9 students will undertake an English and Maths exam. Students are expected at MAIN Campus no later than 9am.


Years 8 and 9 students are currently undertaking their end of year interviews which include a deep reflection on their yearly attitude and progress towards their studies, goal setting and confirmation of their 2024 course. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to review their child’s interview by referring to the “Insights” tab on compass.  


Campion Education is again the booklist provider for McKinnon Secondary College.  


Senior School (Years 10 - 12)

Most senior school students have had their courses for 2024 confirmed. Once this has been done, families can start organising their booklists. Orders need to be completed online through Campion Education - the link is on the College website or can be accessed here.  Campion has updated their online systems so you now need to obtain a verification code (via email or SMS) to access their site. The four-digit code K9JD will then allow you to view McKinnon’s resource lists.  


Orders need to be placed by Friday 24 November to ensure home delivery before the end of the year. Campion has again included a set-charge to cover the packing and home delivery costs.


Junior School (Years 7 - 9)

Information about 2024 booklists for the Junior School will be shared with families in the coming weeks.  


Sustainable School Shop

For families interested in buying/selling secondhand books, information about the Sustainable School Shop is available here (link is also on the College website). A useful second-hand textbook stocktake list has also been prepared, but please remember to check the edition of the book on the booklist before purchasing any second-hand texts. It is crucial that students have the correct edition.


All Year 9 parents have been emailed instructions for purchasing a new Chromebook for their child. This is a very important process and ensures students have a reliable and up-to-date computer, but also a device that connects seamlessly to our network and is within its 3 year extended warranty. Some students’ devices are starting to process more slowly, and showing signs of 'wear and tear'. We do not want these issues to adversely affect student learning, especially as they enter the Senior School next year. Organising an upgrade now is the best option, rather than leaving it until next year. The new model has improved features, such as a faster processor and better battery life.


If students in other year levels need a new Chromebook, the ordering details are as follows:  

McKinnon’s Chromebook program plays an incredibly important role in delivering an effective and engaging curriculum to our students. Its success relies on all students using a standard platform and we thank all families for their ongoing support.


If your child has upgraded their Chromebook and their previous device is still in good working order, McKinnon is in regular contact with organisations that donate second-hand laptops to disadvantaged groups.  So if you are not going to use the old Chromebook at home, this is a great opportunity to help support the education of other young people - simply bring the old Chromebook to our IT Office and we will organise the rest.


Please ensure your child continues to come to school in the correct uniform at all times. Facial piercings such as nose studs and eyebrow piercings are not acceptable - students will be asked to remove such piercings on-the-spot, prior to attending class. We expect students to wear the uniform with pride and it is an important part of our school culture. All students should now be wearing summer uniform. Please note: Blazers are optional in Terms 1 & 4;  however, when travelling to/from school, students wishing to wear an outer garment must wear the blazer (rather than the College jumper).


Parents need to ensure their Compass username/password is secure and confidential.  As student absences can be approved online through the parent portal, it is not appropriate to share your username and password with your child.  If you believe your password is not secure, it can be changed by logging on to Compass, clicking on the ‘cog’ icon (top-right corner) and selecting ‘Change My Password’. Given the importance of Compass for communicating with families, it is also worth going to ‘Update My Details’ and checking that all contact details (email and mobile phone) are correct.  


Following Year 10 and 11 exams, our Senior School students will be undertaking an end-of-year program to provide them with support and guidance, and also help them build strong foundations for a successful 2024. Full summer uniform is expected. Details of the program are as follows:

Years 10 and 11 Reflection Day (Friday 24 November)

Students will attend one lesson for each semester 2 subject. Exam results will be returned during this time and teachers also give detailed feedback on how students can improve their performance in future assessments and studies.

VCE/VCE-VM Orientation Week (Monday 27 November to Friday 1 December)

Classes for 2024 begin in this vital Orientation Week. Students attend their subjects for next year and engage in rigorous classroom activities designed to promote the key content and skills required. Formal classes for all Senior students conclude on Friday 1 December.