The Year 7s recently went on an excursion to Melbourne Zoo to complement their studies of Classification in Science. Here are some of their reflections:
Katherine Johnstone and Vanessa Callery
Science Teachers
What comes to mind when you think of a zoo? Animals - lions, giraffes, frogs and elephants, right? But what'll come to my mind for the next few years when I think of a zoo is the Year 7 Science Zoo Excursion!
A severe understatement would be to say that all the Year 7s enjoyed it. With its multiple sections on different types of animals and many places to take beautiful photos, the zoo could have kept us busy for days!
This trip was highly educational too as we completed a booklet which put us to thinking and made us scurry around reading signs for answers! The teachers also let us roam around in groups of four for the whole time, so the navigating and time-management was also a fun experience.
This trip was absolutely amazing and I'm sure that all the Year 7s want to say a huge thank you to all of the Science teachers for organising the excursion.
Geet Monga 7C
On Monday 23 October, various Year 7 classes visited the Melbourne Zoo for a biology excursion. We saw a range of enthralling land animals and marine creatures such as Lions, Leopards, Tigers, Seals, Penguins and much more. We were fascinated by the behaviour and mannerisms of the elegant animals and insects. The butterfly house, for example, was one of the most exquisite places we visited on our trip. We saw butterflies hatching from their pupa or chrysalis and stretching their wings to fly for the first time.
We also stopped by the big cat house. There, we saw most of the animals sleeping soundly. At the tiger enclosure, we noticed a massive chunk of meat near the resting tiger, so it was clear that the tiger had been feasting on it a little while before. In the ocean wildlife section, we got the pleasure to meet the excitable seals of the Melbourne Zoo. They performed many tricks and dived gracefully through the water as we observed. On multiple occasions they even came up to the glass, where we could see them up close and take lots of photos.
Overall, all of us had a magnificent time at the Zoo and enjoyed observing and gazing at the different animals. We came back to school with an everlasting memory of our wonderful time at the Zoo.
Palchhin Palchhin & Sidney Silkstone 7F