Performing Arts


Whole School Production - Term 3

Less than six weeks to go and rehearsals are well underway! It has been wonderful to see so many members of our school community embracing this event and purchasing tickets. A reminder that tickets are available for purchase via the following link:


Ticket prices are as follows:


Adult: $30

Child: $20

Family (2 adults; 2 children): $85


A reminder that our production is being held over two nights:


When: Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July

Venue: The Besen Centre, Station Street, Burwood

Time: Show to commence at 7:15pm


Grades performing:


Monday 24th July: 


FSR, 1MC and 2LP 

ALL Grade 3-6 students


Tuesday 25th July:


FKJ, 1JT and 2DF

ALL Grade 3-6 students


Tuesday night’s performance will be a repeat of Monday night’s performance, so you do not need to purchase tickets for both nights, unless you wish to.




As this is a school-wide event, it is expected that all students will be at the Besen Centre to perform on both Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July, unless your family will be away on holiday or otherwise, in which case I would be grateful if you could contact me via email on at your earliest convenience. 


Arrival at the Besen Centre


All students will need to arrive at the Besen Centre on the night(s) of their performance at 6:30pm. There will be parking available onsite. A member of staff will be available to take your child to the appropriate area backstage. The performance will conclude at approximately 9pm on both nights.


Costume requirements 


Our fabulous parent volunteers have been working very hard making hundreds of costumes for this event. Each child will need to arrive at the Besen Centre wearing a long black t-shirt and black leggings, to go underneath their costume. If you do not have anything suitable, these items can be purchased very inexpensively at stores like Kmart. 


With thanks for your support,


- Mrs Thomas