Le Français



So the term has come to an end and the topic of "La durabilité" has seen students read , practice, pronounce and write French phrases about sustainability. 


Did you know the French have great sustainable approaches to the food they buy and eat?


They like to buy in small quantities (enough for the day) from local shops, cook and share their food with family.


They are creative with their leftovers, encourage workers to go out for lunch and not eat mindlessly in front of a computer.

They encourage small portions and enjoy all foods without guilt.

 The French are also reputed to have the smallest fridges in Europe and they are seldom full which also means they don't throw out and waste food unlike in Australia, where households average 4 kilograms of food thrown out per week! 






Tuesday August 1st, Week 4. Term 3 2023

B.P.P.S. will celebrate the French National Day, Bastille Day, with an incursion by:

Cultural Infusion , Chris Morant  on Tuesday August 1st  Term 3 2023)


Chris Morant will perform his “Bastille Day Exclusive” in the stadium to entertain and educate students on the French National Day (also known as Bastille Day), culture, history and music.  (Cost per student $7:00, from school levy)


Students are encouraged to wear French themed costumes or colours on the day.

There will be NO gold donation for the dress-up but there will be some CL@S awards for students with outstanding and creative costume ideas.

The canteen will be providing a Meal deal on the Day with further information to follow.


Looking forward to the day!


Au revoir et bonnes vacances tout le monde!

Madame Higgins