News from the 5/6 Classrooms 

Math and English

Mathematics - Angles

In Maths this week, the grade 5s have been exploring and learning about angles. Our investigation task was creating a professional mini golf course featuring various angles. Students have been assigned to hand draw a challenging mini golf course that consists of different shaped obstacles and angles. The golf course needed to outline a direction a professional golfer would hit the ball. This allowed students to include different angles within the shot. Students were then required to measure the degrees of each angle they had in their golf shot using a protractor. Students were allowed to be as creative as their heart desired, when designing a mini golf course, (maybe one day these students can be architects!) There were lots of varied golf courses created, unique and special in their own ways. 

Students added challenging obstacles to complicate the scenario and included lots of different angles. They needed to include angles such as, obtuse, acute, reflex, revolution, straight and right angle. Every pupil needed to have a 63 degree angle, a 12 degree, 97 degree, 235 degree and 300 degree angle in their shot. It required us to use our knowledge and creativity to pull this task off, especially including all of the angles and the ‘specific degree’ angles. The mini golf courses turned out amazing! The students ended the day with a lot more knowledge. 

By: Sophia and Leah 5SG

Maths: Mini Golf Investigation 5SG
Maths: Mini Golf Investigation 5SG

Writing - Information Reports

In writing this term, the grade 5/6’s have been working on an information report on an animal of their choice. To begin the process, students used their prior knowledge of different species of animals and also from our excursion to Melbourne Zoo. While the students were at Melbourne Zoo, they jotted down important information about different animals including classification, location, appearance, diet and adaptions. This assisted them with their prior knowledge. Once the pupils were back at school, they began their ‘cold write’ information report on their chosen animal. We have been working on editing our cold write, looking word choice and the different type of language used in informative text while also learning how to structure and organise our body paragraphs so they are clear and concise. Very soon we will be writing our ‘hot write’ which is our published piece, ready to be presented to parents at our end of term expo. The parents will be astonished by our amazing work!


By: Millie, Maddie and Sophia 5SG


Millie 5SG
Sophia 5SG
Maddie 5SG
Millie 5SG
Sophia 5SG
Maddie 5SG