Active Travel

Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

Congratulations to all students who continue walking and wheeling every Wednesday! Ditching the car is great for our environment, wonderful for our physical health, and a fantastic way to catch up with school friends.  Even if you have to drive to school, why not park a little further away and walk the final few hundred metres?  The perfect way to start your day!


5SG continue to lead the way with 78% of students walking and wheeling to school. There were also some fine performances by 5NK, 6JK and 3AT.  Also, a special call out to 2LP who really stepped up this week.


Hot off the Press

Exciting News!  To encourage walkers in the junior school, we are launching a special award for students in Foundation, One and Two starting next term.  They will now have their own trophy to compete for each week.  


Walk and Wheel Artworks

And now to the Walk and Wheel Gallery where we have vivid works by Mitch (3/4B), Scarlet (3/4R), Emily (3/4R) and Micah (3/4R).  Enjoy the poetry as you walk and wheel to school!