Teaching and Learning

We are excited. This year we will be presenting our school production in an alternative style.
Rather than a live performance we are producing a recorded version.
The teachers and students have already been working hard last term preparing for this production as it is closely linked to our Learning. Our Inquiries at SJW are conceptual based and therefore the common thread throughout each Year level’s contribution will be linked to the concepts of Change and Transformation (Term 2 Inquiries) and Curiosity and Creativity (Term 3 Inquiries.)
During Literacy lessons, many classes have also been investigating script writing and preparing their scripts for the production. This production also addresses many of the learning outcomes in the Technologies curriculum.
Many specialist teachers have also been working closely with classroom teachers to incorporate elements into their performances. Examples include costumes, background images, music, Italian language.
This term classes will continue to work on their items with the intention of filming to occur in Week 6. We have engaged an external company “Visual Production Agency Suite” to film and produce our production.
Once all is completed, we will share it with our community. Further information as to how and when this will occur will be communicated later this term.
So stay tuned.
Kind regards
Maria Raso