Assistant Principal News

Message from Miharu Morioka


Term 2 Reflection


At the end of last term, after completing so many major events, we thought Term 2 would be a much quieter term. Of course, this was proven to be wrong! Term 2 was another busy one, in a positive way, with many incursions and excursions happening for each year level, the preparation for the School Production started for various groups. Costume fittings brought a real buzz, practice and rehearsals for the play will continue next term. 

I wish everyone a safe and restful term break!




Common Room and Friendship Group


 At Caulfield Primary School, we continue to provide various activities during lunch time. We acknowledge that some students may need a bit of escape from the active playground and seeking for slightly quieter activities. Our Wellbeing Officer, Caroline, runs fun and enjoyable activities with the Friendship Group on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Friendship Group is mostly enjoyed by our younger students, however it is open for all students.

 Our Y5/6 students now have a space to go to when they need a bit of break from their social interaction or when they choose to enjoy their own company. This is particularly important during their pre-teen stage so that they can regulate their emotions during playtime as well. Formerly known as “meeting room” near the office has now been named “Common Room” by our Y5/6 students. The room will be open during Wednesday lunchtime and though they are supervised by me, students have set rules and expectations for themselves. 


また、ティーンになる直前の5・6年生にも、一人になりたい時や静かなアクティビティをしたいときに行くことのできる場所を提供し始めました。オフィスの隣にある空き教室を、彼らがCommon Room(みんなの部屋)と名付け、自分の気持ちを落ち着かせたい時、気持ちをリラックスさせたい時などに使えるようになっております。毎週水曜日、教員の監視の元、本を読んだり、絵を描いたりなど、静かにできるアクティビティを自分で選んでできるようになっています。


Uni-sex and disabled toilet


I would like to inform the school community that we have re-branded our disabled toilet to uni-sex and disabled toilet. Although students can continue to use our students toilets, opening uni-sex and disabled toilet for student use would hopefully allow flexibility for our students.



Snapshots from our classroom


Our Prep students have been enjoying their PMP sessions every Friday. Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) is a movement-based program and helps younger children improve their hand-eye and foot-eye coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. With much support of our wonderful Parent helpers, Prep teachers and Miss Molloy ran the successful PMP sessions during this term. Most importantly, our Prep students enjoyed those activities so much that they were always looking forward to Fridays.


















Now moving to the other end of our school, Y5/6 students have been busy preparing their presentation to the Mayor of the Glen Eira City Council who is visiting us on Friday. This Geography project involved a series of data collection at Princes Park and analysing data so that they can make recommendation to the Mayor on how to improve Caulfield Park. I am sure the Mayor will be impressed with the presentation that our students have prepared! 
