
Welcome to the first 'PUPdate' - a special page from our School Wellbeing Dogs Maggie and Carter!

We look forward to updating you regularly on our escapades, and all the wonderful things we are doing around school.


We graduated!


One of the important parts of being a Wellbeing Dog at school is that we undertake training. Both of us have attended and have now graduated from Puppy Pre-School, the first stage of our training! We started learning some of the basic but vitally important parts of being a well-behaved and well-rounded dog:

  • leash manners
  • body language and behavior
  • behaviour out in public
  • exposure to different situations
  • dog socialisation


As part of our ongoing training, we will both be attending further training. We look forward to keeping you up-to-date with this as we go.




Mrs Smith and Mrs Dawson have gone barking mad and are helping us (your favourite School Wellbeing Dogs, Maggie and Carter) to take part in the PAWGUST challenge to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia.


Did you know it costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just ONE Guide Dog?! With hundreds of dogs needing to be trained each year, every dollar counts. 


This August, we are braving the cold and challenging ourselves to go walking 60 minutes EVERY DAY to raise funds for Guide Dogs. That's 125-km across the month! Rain, hail or shine, we'll be pounding the pavement for Guide Dogs. It's going to be RUFF but it's for a great cause.


We will be walking during school time sometimes as well as outside of school hours, so look for us out in the yard!


Together, with your support, we can create a world where everyone who needs a Guide Dog has a Guide Dog.


Please consider donating to our PAWGUST page -  https://www.pawgust.com.au/s/57598/66924 Your contribution will truly help to change lives.


Thank you from the bottom of our paws.


Paws sincerely,


Maggie and Carter


P.S. Every donation over $2 is tax deductible.