Head of Primary
Term 2 is whizzing by! And it certainly has been a jam-packed term filled with many exciting learning opportunities. Most recently our Year 2s took a step back in time with a visit to Mont Delancey. This historic site taught students what life in early Australia was like with an old schoolhouse simulation and black smith demonstration.
The highlight for the past couple of weeks has been the Primary Swimming Program conducted at Aquanation. This specialised program has a focus on water safety whilst challenging students at their swimming levels. We are thankful for this program, and it has been a joy to observe students develop their confidence and skills. We are also thankful for the parent support with the younger students. It certainly has been a team effort.
In the second last week of term, the Year 5 students went to Phillip Island for their camp at the CYC Adventure Resort. This was a great opportunity to learn more about coastal habitats as well as develop outdoor skills through various activities like archery and the giant swing. These opportunities are pivotal in developing and strengthening friendships as well as personal independence and resiliency.
Primary staff have been busy preparing Semester 1 reports for the students, and these will be emailed home on the last day of term. These reports provide parents with feedback against achievement standards set in the Australian Curriculum and results from assessment tasks. There is also a Homeroom Report, including a rating on a five-point scale relating to the child’s Social Skills and Approaches to Learning. Much time and thought goes into preparing these reports by your child’s teachers. Please take the time to read through the comments and details of the reports. An opportunity to discuss the reports and any other questions you might have will be in Week 4 of Term 3 when we will be conducting parent/teacher interviews. More detail regarding these interviews will be made available to parents at the start of Term 3.
As we approach the final week of Term 2, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a restful midterm break filled with refreshment and time spent with family. Matthew 11:28 is a great reminder of where we can find a true source of rest.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
May you experience the rest that only God our heavenly Father can provide.
Many blessings,
Janita Bratton
Head of Primary
Chinese Talent Competition
On May 12th, our school took part in the Speech and Language competition organised by the Chinese Language Teachers Association in Victoria (CLTAV). Hilary Chen (6S) won the third prize in the Speech competition, and the group of students who performed the story of the Chinese New Year received the creative award. The students involved in the performance were Sophia Li, Thierry Wisurya, Ellie Chong, Joyce Zhao, Sophia Feng, Raquel Thor, Bernard Chen, and Aaron Chen. Congratulations to everyone on a job well done!
Rebecca Lim
Chinese Teacher
National Simultaneous Storytime 2023 – Speedy Sloth
Along with 2,199,785 other students, our Year 1’s participated in this year’s National Simultaneous Storytime. We tuned into a live reading of the book ‘Speedy Sloth’ all the way from Sydney Zoo. What a fun way to listen to a story!
This story is about a slow sloth called ‘Spike’ who wanted to go to the race. When she ran the race she was last. If it was a sloth race, she would have won, but because it was an animal race, she didn’t win.
Natalie Nheu
Year 1 Teacher