
Breakfast Program

Each Monday & Thursday in C2

8.20am - 8.50am - All SHS Students welcome

Homework Club

Does your student need some extra help with homework/assignments? The Homework club runs for SHS students each Monday in the library - 3.30-5pm


If you hold a health care card you may be eligible for assistance from the Camps Sports and Excursions Fund. APPLY NOW!

Cool Heads Young Driver 


Free Program run by local Victoria Police 19th July at Eastbank  Shepparton arrive at 6.30pm

Melbourne Ice Slide

Pet Spectacular & Family Fun Day - Echuca June 12

Echuca Harness Racing Club Grounds 9am-1pm.  Market Stalls and everything for pets - including 'Pets for Adoption'  - all pets must be properly restrained either on a leash or in an appropriate secure carrier

Student Exchange

Host families needed for July 2017- 3, 5 or 10 months - students from Europe & Canada  For more information contact Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Ltd(02) 9997 0700