From the Office


The DEADLINE for submitting 2017 claims to receive Camp Sport Excursion Funding is Friday 30th June (last day of Term)   If you hold a  valid Health Care Card or Pension Card and have not already applied don't miss out, see our bursar asap!

Students and Sickbay

When a student informs a teacher that they are unwell, the teacher will send them to the student window with a note. Our office staff will ring a parent/guardian or emergency contact to collect the student. Our sickbay is not intended to house students for long periods of time. Students should not ring their parents to arrange pickup - this must be organised through the office. 

Arriving Late

The school day begins at 8.50am with the first bell to give students time to get to their locker before the start of classes at 9am.

Students who are late for school need to sign in at the general office with a note from home to explain why they are late. 

Collecting Students Early

While it is always better to have appointments outside of school hours we understand that sometimes that is not possible.  If you need to collect your student early please send them with a note in the morning.  

They can then show the note to the classroom teacher to exit class and will be at the office for you to collect at the nominated time.

Secondhand Uniforms

We have a supply of second hand uniforms for sale.  All money from second hand uniform sales is a donation to Student Wellbeing.

Name Everything

Remember to put your students name on everything they bring to school. Unfortunately there is still a lot of lost property, especially uniform pieces, handed into the office un-named.