First Aid

First Aid

Welcome to the start of 2018, First Aid would like to extend a warm welcome to all new students and parents. Parents please ensure you remember to update your mobile phone and other personal details on CareMonkey as changes occur throughout the year.


First Aid invites parents to contact us directly to discuss any concerns you may have which relate to the medical care of your child.


If your child is required to take medication while at school please complete a medication form available through the parent portal and supply it to first aid along with the medication in its original packaging.


Students with asthma should carry their Ventolin with them.

If your child has anaphylaxis and has not supplied an adrenaline auto injector to the first aid office we encourage you to do this as a matter of urgency.


Lost Property

Lost uniforms are expensive to replace. Please name all items clearly to allow easy return to their owner. The lost property office is located next to student services and is open from 08:30 am each school day.



Kind Regards

Janise Cathcart and Michelle Butler

First Aid Officers
