Classroom News

Solar Cars in The Hive
In week 6 students of The Hive were assigned to build a solar powered car. The 27 pairs and trios have to make a complete working solar powered car in four weeks. They were asked to describe this task in four words. This is what some students had to say about this task. ”Hard, Confusing, Fun and Interesting” said Mitchell (year 6). “Exciting, Fun, Hands-on and confusing” said Holly (year 6).”Cool, Fun Hard and Exciting” said Josh (year 7). “Fun, Educational, teamwork and Challenging” said Lucy (year 7). As you can see these are some positive responses about this activity while it can be hard at times. At the end of this assignment students will be able to race their cars to determine how well their car functions. Overall the students of The Hive are truly engaging in this activity and having a lot of fun! My dad has got the first solar powered car in the street because he gets me to push it. Its son powered.
Written by Taiga and Josh
Photos by Nick
Room 17
Daily 5-
Daily 5 is a part of Room 17's literacy time. Each student is in a small group and each day they rotate into either :
Read to self
Read to someone
Work on writing
Word work
Guided reading
Here are some of our fun ways to read and write....
Room 17 have been learning about forces in Science. Each student had to come up with a new invention with their group, design it and make it, then present how it moved and worked to the class.