From the Chaplain 

Building Communities of Hope 

Looking ahead, not knowing what will happen can be disconcerting but for many connecting with others is really important.    

Regardless of Australia's response regarding coronavirus maintaining community and relationships outside of home is an important part of being connected with others and engaging in mutual support.  While we can all be very thankful for the ability to communicate electronically with friends and relatives using FaceTime or Zoom how about inviting neighbours and the people living nearby to join you in a network so that you can share this life with?   Recently, visiting my neighbours and those in homes nearby I specifically invited them to join a dedicated facebook group where we can share needs for assistance, seek help sourcing household and/or food items and of course recipes when we haven't been able to source a product.   While this is only one amongst many possible ideas what was interesting was that although there are many facebook groups, it was an awesome way to met people nearby that I didn't already know and see the joy of people in the realisation that they would be connected with people nearby as many live alone.   

If you like this idea or have others to share drop me a message at 

Children Processing Change and Loss   

Children experience various forms of loss in the form of a breakdown in relationship with a significant person in their life either through either death or family separation with others are impacted by the death of a favourite pet.  


Children process grief a little differently to adults.  As parents, have you noticed a child initially speaking of the focus of their loss for a period and then it seems as if they have 'forgotten' about it for a while?  This is your child processing grief as they are able and in a sense doing exactly as your adult self does in deflecting feelings.  However, children revisit loss time and again bit by bit seeking to make sense of feelings and emotions.    


I am looking at working with a group of students over a couple of lunch periods who have experienced loss and would find value making a memory book as a part of the processing journey.  This will also give children an important opportunity to process thoughts and feelings that detract from learning and importantly create a keepsake of the positive things they remember as they move forward.    


Activity requirements: 

A book or journal suitable for photos or pictures and space to draw and write.  Photos or photocopies of photos of the person or pet significant to the student 


If you think your child may value this activity or want to know more please contact me via the office or email me on 


School Breakfast Club 

The last Breakfast Club for this term made the move outside with 52 students and a number of parents joining us to enjoy the warm and fresh air.  The conversation of support and understanding for the experiences of one another as parents was a great time for all.   Importantly, Breakfast Club has helped encourage students to start the day able to concentrate and focus on learning so as always I am most grateful to our volunteers for supporting us as a school in this way. 


While Breakfast Club has now ended for this term, we look forward to announcing its recommencement in Term Two.  Until then, I wish you all the best fun as you enjoy a little extra time in the morning as you make breakfast a time of connecting and conversation with one another.  Have fun! 

Coffee Jars Needed 

I am still collecting  clear glass jars with a sealable lid for an activity.    Due to what I would like to do with some children the ideal jar is empty and clean medium or large Moccona coffee jars.   Please drop these or clear jars of a similar size to the office if you are able to help in adding to what I have already collected.  Thank you. 


Located at Kilsyth each Monday and Thursday, I am available to met with caregivers and students as a part of providing support to each regardless of belief or circumstances.  I genuinely care about the well being of your child within the school and beyond.  I am willing to hear your concerns and partner with you in finding options that support you in your role as the most important person in your child's life.   


Monday    8.45am to 4.00pm

Thursday 8.00am to 3.00pm


Contactable by phone via the office, email or by dropping in to say hi.