Student Awards

Friday 13th March

Foundation  Harvey

You are flying high at KPS, Harvey! Congratulations on the excellence you have shown by practicing your magic words each night. Keep up the fantastic work.


Junior  B   Maali

Welcome to K.P.S. Maali. We are so lucky to have you as a member of Junior B. We love your friendly, happy personality!


Middle A     Kruze

Well done Kruze on showing 'Excellence' in your writing this week. You have improved your writing by using full stops correctly. What a great effort!


Middle B   Alexander

You are such a beautiful role model for resilience when during learning. It is incredible to see how you are always looking for ways to improve upon your work. What an amazing motivated learner you are. Keep it up Alex!


Senior B  Payton

For showing excellence and resilience in reading and writing. It is great to see you putting in 100% effort into your learning and giving everything a go. Keep up the fantastic effort Payton!


Golbal Studies  Tenille

You have shown excellence in everything you have done in Global Studies and Ethics this week. You are always polite, kind and caring towards all your peers and you consistently work hard and do the best work that you can. Well done Tenille!


Art   Tate

You showed fantastic resilience while trying to draw your animal sketch this week. Sometimes things do not go quite to plan, but you kept a positive mind frame and persisted. I can't wait to see how your final piece turns out!


Global Studies    Elijah

Well done on demonstrating excellence in everything you have done in Global Studies and Ethics this week. You were a fantastic help with cooking in class and had a great understanding of coconuts and what they can be used for. Well done Elijah!