Careers News

Thursday, 2 May Carwatha College P-12 had their first whole school - Careers Expo
All secondary students had the opportunity to speak to 22 representatives: Universities, TAFE Colleges, Apprenticeship Groups, Moorabbin Fling Services, JMC, Whitehouse, MIT and more about their pathways and interests. This activity should assist students in developing their course knowledge in readiness for University/TAFE and Open Days. We also had 2018 students Emilia Alvarez Chaves, Shayne Meegoda Gamage and Adela Srebric assist, they were able provide students with an insight as to what happens-next-‘going to uni’.
Our VCAL students assisted the logistics of the day-assisting with parking and serving refreshments.
Some primary classes came over to have a look-and made a delightful addition to the day for the representatives. Students were inquisitive and delighted in the lollies on offer.
The grade sixes participated in a ‘Coaching for Success’ session. Where they completed a Personal Profile and discovered if they were the ‘Adventurer, Carer, Persuader, Administrator, Investigator or Artist.
To complement the day our SRC provided a BBQ and music.
It was a fabulous day.
Kylie BorchersVET/Careers and Pathways Coordinator