Secondary News

It has been a busy month of planning the events for Term 2!
The SRC team held a casual dress day on Friday 3rd of May. We raised $275 from Secondary Students and the Junior Scool Council raised $172 in Primary. This money went towards the State Schools Relief. They support children, in need, with uniform items.
We also held a barbeque to support the Careers Expo. It was also a great opportunity for students to write down their thoughts and ideas to put into our suggestions box. We have gone through all of these suggestions and are working on putting some plans into action. Some of the things students wrote down was that they wanted more awareness around recycling, plants, addressing litter, upgrading some of the student seating and a focus on well being days as well as strategies for approaching personal challenges. The barbeque raised $113, which went directly towards an event we held on 27th May, called Motivated Monday.
Our upcoming SRC events are:
- Motivated Monday on 27th May.
- The focus of this day is staying motivated by setting goals and having a growth-mindset. We will be making posters, seeing a motivational speaker, and will be creating personal action plans!
- Casual dress day on Tuesday 18th of June.
- Money raised will go towards our annual Multicultural Day, which will be held in Term 3.
Ms Wright - SRC Coordinator
VCE Product Design & Technology students at work on their prac models.
Mr Skeggs - Design & Technology Coordinator
At the end of last term the students went on a bonding and team building excursion to the high ropes and tree climbing in Belgrave. Following a 30 minute bus ride where we saw the puffing Billy train, which excited Jeff a lot, we arrived at the venue.
The tree climbing and ropes course was amazing, it truly pushed the kids out of their comfort zone. There were 3 levels of ropes courses to climb with each one getting progressively harder. The students had to work in groups, remain positive, support each other and push themselves to heights and levels that they may not have done before.
A quote from a few of the students about the activity
Sienna said " it was a great experience for me to get out of my comfort zone and give things a go"
Talisha said " it was very fun and amazing, it was great climbing so high and only have a simple harness to hold us up so high, it was also great working with my friends to achieve this"
Nurija said " it was the best fun, I loved helping and supporting my friends as well as pushing myself to new levels"
It was a great experience and I am very proud of the students for their persistence and effort on the day, well done year 7.
To the parents, by the time you read this the students of year 7 will have less than 5 weeks of the semester left. The students have done so well, they have had great attendance, their consistency in wearing the uniform has been great and they have developed some long lasting friendships.
With reports currently being written, I encourage the students to continue to work hard and have completed all the set work, homework and assignments to the best of their ability.
Well done all year 7 students on a great semester so far and, as always, I encourage parents and guardians to contact me if they have any concerns or would like to chat about their child's academic progress.
Mr Antony - Year Level Coordinator
We have had a busy start to term two, the year 8 students have been to the Melbourne Zoo, and those who are in the Carwatha football College Academy had a friendly match against Timbarra P-9. The year 8 Volleyball teams finished second at the district tournament.
The students are working extremely hard at the moment which is great as they will have lots of assessment tasks coming up due to reports being written. I urge the students to make sure they are up to date and if any parents have any queries about their students’ progress before the reports are written to contact me.
Mr Hammond - Year Level Coordinator
Year 8 Geography field trip
Year 8 students travelled to Melbourne Zoo to participate in the ‘Call of the Wild’ program on endangered animals. They practised their skills in fieldwork and presented their findings back at school. They learnt a lot and had fun too.
Mrs Ryan - Year 8 Geography Teacher
May, 2019
Once again, Year 9 students have been involved in a number of activities and excursions to help further enhance their learning and also to start thinking about the pathways they want to follow in the future.
From all accounts students have been working hard and making the effort to participate and be fully engaged in class work.
Year 9 Carwatha Careers Expo
Students had the opportunity to speak to 22 representatives from universities, TAFEs, apprenticeship groups, Moorabbin Flying Services, JMC, Whitehouse, MIT and many more about their pathways and interests. This activity assisted students in developing their course knowledge in readiness for Term 3 when they will start choosing their subjects for 2020 and beyond.
South East Careers Expo and Try a Trade.
Year 9 students travelled to Cranbourne to speak and listen to a wide range of industry and tertiary representatives. The event gave students an opportunity to explore pathways into employment, education and training and to assist them with researching their educational pathways form subject selection.
Monash Access – Year 9
A group of Year 9 students were offered the opportunity to attend Monash University to engage in a personal development and leadership program which is designed to prepare students to become active community leaders. The students who attended included Sarah Dib, Ramona Ghandour, MacKenzie Ho, Norah Hoang, Rory Johnstone, RoMon Lay Kiyana Matin and Jiaking Tu.
Congratulations to RoMon Lay and Stavros Sulakvelidze who received the Under 15’s Girl/Boy Athletics Champion Medal.
Also congratualtions to RoMon Lay and Muhammad Hussaini for receiving the Under 15’s Girl/Boy Cross Country Champion Medal.
Finally, every student is at a different point on their learning journey; every student can strive to be the best that they can. Success is not always measured by the number of ‘A’s on a report, but more by whether a student is progressing and moving ahead in their learning. This takes respect, excellence, teamwork and commitment – the values upon which our school is based.
Mrs Rentzis - Year Level coordinator
On Thursday the 9th of May, Year 10 went to Sandown Racecourse for the RoadSmart off-road driving lesson. We caught the bus from school in the morning, and were excited to see the My House Rules contestants at the entrance to the course. They were there for some sort of 4WD competition, so stay tuned.
To start out, we listened to a presentation, then broke into groups of three. Five groups went down stairs for their lesson, while the rest of stayed up and watched some rally cars shoot around the track.
For many students, it was the first time that they had ever driven a car. Some were excited, some terrified. Most were slow and cautious, however a few wannabe hoons managed to get their rides up to a blistering 40 km/h!
It was a great day, with some future responsible drivers steered on the right track. Make sure to bring in your email release forms so that VicRoads can set up your myVicRoads account.
Mr Quinn - Year Level Coordinator
Career’s Expo:
On the 2nd of May, students in all year levels had the chance to attend the careers expo that was organised by our wonderful careers’ teachers. At the expo, students had the opportunity to ask tertiary institutions about the courses they offered, the prerequisites students needed and why students should go with them in the future.
Students went around gaining as much information as they could in order to make the best choice for their future. We also attended workshops run by Monash mentors who gave us an insight into university education. Some ex Carwatha students also supported us in preparing us for our future pathway. We would like to thank our careers teachers, mentors and ex Carwatha students for providing us with valuable information and support.
VCAL – Volunteering:
Every Thursday, one of the groups in VCAL are chosen to go out to Belvedere Aged Care. We usually have jobs to do at the facility. We have organised footy tipping for the residents. We go to most of the rooms and ask residents who they think will win footy games over the weekend.
Some students spend time with residents in the recreation centre and play games with them such as guessing a word starting with a letter or carpet balls. Recently, we enjoyed serving high tea to the residents. During Easter, we had a competition of who could make the best Easter hat. This has been a fantastic experience for all of us. We feel valued and it is great to give something back to the community. We would like to thank Ms Hudson for giving us this great opportunity. Shanté B
Fit 2 Drive:
On the 9th of May, the year 11 students had the Fit 2 Drive incursion. The purpose of this incursion was to educate students about how to share the road with other vehicles and pedestrians, and how to make informed choices when using the road. During the incursion we learned about the road toll and the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) and how this helps decrease the rate of road accidents.
There were two police officers that came in to talk to students as well. These officers explained rules about phones, drink driving, drug abuse etc. We came up with a community action plan outlining what we could do to support ourselves and our peers to be safe on roads.
Angela Fourie - Student - Year 11 Leader
Year 12 events
On the second last day of school, the year 12 leadership team organised an event to build on the team spirit in year 12. Easing into winter, we decided on having a school sleepover, to get cosy and comfy as we created new and stronger bonds and mingled as a year level.
We started off the sleepover with a big game of human foosball, which was the best part of the night as the whole year level was too busy laughing at Mr Mulcahy’s competitive spirit towards the students to focus on winning the game. We continued our night with a series of activities, a film and a big Easter egg hunt along with a dinner (thanks to Jacksons Kebab) that put us all in a food coma!! This was a great opportunity for our year level to become closer and let off a lot of stress as a team; definitely a highlight and a great way to end the term.
The following day, we held a dress-up day themed “PJ Day” (for a gold coin donation) as we are looking forward to putting the money we raised towards a table tennis in the V3 centre, to get active during upcoming cold days.
On Monday 13th of May, the year 12’s had the opportunity to experience a seminar called the “Tomorrow Man and Woman”. We had guest speakers focus on challenging stereotypes and strengthening our emotional muscles. They had us working together to get to a conclusion on how we could create a supportive environment as in this generation, the prejudice against genders could be extremely overwhelming. This was an inspiring opportunity for all of us, as it opened a lot of minds and ensured others to view specific interpretations from a different perspective.
Students were invited to take part in a Model United Nations conference at Monash University. Representing Japan, Nutteda Davison, Kristy Le, Sehaj Sidhu and Krisha Kaler, presented their views about how countries could work together to ensure protect our earth and its people. It was an interesting and enjoyable day and the girls were wonderful ambassadors of both the school and Japan.
Eftalya Coskun - Student & College Captain