Numeracy Problems

This term the numeracy problems will all be sourced from numeracy tests that you may be required to take for your pathway. As you will see, numeracy is important for many different pathways.
This week’s numeracy questions have been taken from the Australian Defence Force Aptitude Test sample. For more information:
Number Series:
In the following question, you are given a row of numbers that follow a certain plan. Find the rule and mark the answer which gives the next number 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65, ?
Arithmetic Question:
Three people who work full-time are to work together on a project, but their total time on the project is to be equivalent to that of only one person working full-time. If one of the people is budgeted for one-half of his time to the project and a second person for one-third of her time, what part of the third worker’s time should be budgeted to this project?
The answers to these problems are hiding on another page in this newsletter.