
Wyndham City Youth Services Food Bank service
Wyndham City Youth Services Food Bank service is currently available for families who are experiencing financial hardship and needing assistance with food supplies.
If you are needing support, please drop into the Youth Resource Centre or contact them to arrange a pick up time.
Youth Resource Centre -
Available: Monday - Friday between 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Address: 86 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing 3029
Phone: 8734 1355
Hope you're all staying safe during this unconventional time!
How To Talk To Your Children About Mental Health
- What is good mental health?
- What contributes to mental health issues for young people?
- What are the warning signs that a young person might be experiencing mental health issues?
- What can I do to encourage my young person to talk about their mental health?
- What can I say to start a conversation with my young person about their mental health?
- How should I respond to my young person if I am worried about their mental health and safety?
- What services are available?
Visit Headspace for more information
Pasifik Family Support Packages
Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) - La Mana Empower Pasifika Youth Project are working hard to ensure Pasifika young people and their families have access to support to stay safe, connected and engaged in remote education and in the community during this uncertain time.
CMY are currently providing 'Family Support Packages' (FSP) for our Pasifika young people and their families in our Tarneit College Community who may be experiencing severe financial hardship.
Support through the FSP can include:
- Computer equipment and internet connection (Wi-Fi only) to enable engagement in educational and social activities, including Le Mana online programs.
- Financial stability – basic material needs including food, clothing, bills (utilities, phone) and utility debts.
- Health and wellbeing – medical or pharmaceutical costs not covered by Medicare or Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, counselling or specialist services.
- Safe, stable housing – rent arrears
- Costs associated with schooling, other educational costs and workforce readiness including one-off costs for travel to appointments for example minor car repairs.
- Personal costs and crisis management – for example costs associated with health crisis.
If you are interested in receiving a FSP could you please contact a member of the Wellbeing Team or our Admin Office
Triple P Positive Parenting
Families can now access free expert parenting advice through the online Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.
The program is relevant to families with children between 2 and 16 years and provides strategies to deal with specific challenges, such as building children’s resilience and dealing with conflict.
There are courses specifically for parents of toddlers to tweens, and for parents of pre-teens to teens.
It gives parents strategies to:
- raise happy, confident kids
- manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
- set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
- encourage positive behaviour
- take care of themselves as a parent
- feel confident they’re doing the right thing.
Sign up to the Triple P program via their website
Wyndham Youth Services Online Webinars
Essential Creations
Wyndham City’s Youth Services, funded by Engage!, wants people aged 12 – 25 to share their skills, creativity, and knowledge.
We’re after videos, photos and written pieces that showcase what you are passionate about. We will select three winners each week and share their entries on Instagram.
Each winner will receive $200 for their creation.
What kind of skills? Anything! Whatever you’re passionate about is what we’re looking for. Here are some examples, but the sky is the limit!
- Performance (eg. dancing, playing music)
- Sharing a recipe
- Spoken word poetry
- A poem
- Artwork
- DIY videos
- Tutorials (eg. makeup, gardening)
- Sharing information about something that is important to you (eg. what IDAHOBIT day means, what your family does during Ramadan etc).
We are looking for any of the following:
- Diversity (e.g. cultural, racial, sex and gender, ability, identity)
- Aesthetically pleasing photos and videos (e.g. photos and videos that look good!)
- Entertainment (e.g. music, art, poetry)
What if you need help with your captions and grammar?
You can contact Katie from Laverton Youth Foundation on0487 905 979 or email to lavertonyouthfoundation@lcis.org.au. Katie will be able to help you with your captions and/or grammar only.