
Jesus, you healed the man born blind, you made the lepers well again and you fed the hungry crowd.


You showed you cared for people, Jesus, through what you did for others. 


Please be with all the people who care for those who are sick or without homes or who are hungry at this time.


Give them all courage and strength. Help them to know and feel that they are not alone.


I pray especially that you will help all the doctors and nurses with strength, and scientists with inspiration and knowledge.


I pray for all the people who are helping out in any way.


You know what it was like to do your best for others and to stand up and care for those who could not care for themselves.


Be with us all.


Help me to see that the kindness I show in my home is a share in the kindness and love you have for each person.


I pray that all people will show love and kindness to others today and always. 

