a transformed life

Saul of the New Testament was a passionate man. Educated and determined, he stood up for what he believed in. No man was going to stand in his way as he set his course to stamp out those who challenged his beliefs!

… So it would have been quite the life shattering, humbling experience to be stopped in his tracks on the road to Damascus. With a blinding light and the simple words, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul’s attention was arrested. 

Trying to make sense of what was happening, he asked, “Who are you Lord?” I wonder if he held his breath for the response. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go to the city and you will be told what you must do.Acts 9:4-6.

In these moments, Saul’s life changed direction. So, what happened next?

Here’s what didn’t happen. He didn’t drag himself away into obscurity, locking himself up in a self-made prison of guilt and shame.

Jesus didn’t write him off either with words of anger and condemnation for all the persecution and hurt that he had caused.

Instead, Jesus prepared him for all that he needed for his next chapter. He looked at him with eyes of love and compassion, as one he had redeemed. Jesus fielded comments along the lines of, “Hang on Jesus, this is Saul we are talking about. You know his reputation!” 

He didn’t focus on his past, but shone light on his future stating that he had big plans for Saul. 

Saul, also known as Paul, went on to have many adventures as he spent the rest of his life telling people far and wide the good news about Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t all rosy. Shipwrecked, bitten by a snake and landing in prison more than once along the way were just a few challenges he encountered.  Paul wrote a large percentage of the New Testament through his letters to people and churches. He was still a passionate man, but lived out his life as a deeply loved, redeemed passionate man. 

A transformed life that still speaks to people today… 


Hope, Peace and God’s blessings


Georgie Schuster