Teaching and Learning 

Welcome back to Term 3


Welcome back to a very interesting start to the term, not one we could have anticipated! It has been wonderful to see the smiling faces of our students each morning and have a sense of normality with students in classrooms following their learning program.


This week we have broken new ground at Concord and have implemented our SSGs in an online environment. We would like to thank our community for the patience and understanding you have demonstrated while we navigated this new way of communicating and engaging with you. While there were some inevitable hiccups along the way, the day was very successful and attendance was high. The longer format was also a success. If you have feedback on the SSGs and the longer format please pass it on.


Classroom programs are in full swing within the limitations we are currently experiencing in terms of not being able to go on excursions or engage in external programs. Our teachers are being very creative in finding ways to utilise the spaces we have available to us at school. 


The Discovery Centre has transformed into our Science focus on Change and is ready for classes to engage in the new and exciting experiences this semester. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting term of learning.


Sam Birrell

Acting Assistant Principal

Teaching and Learning