Parish News

Weekly bulletins and parish information can be found at:



Our Bulletin

We continue to provide our weekly online bulletin as we adjust to the impact of COVID-19 on our lives.

With none of the usual activities of Parish life at the moment, much that is contained in our bulletin is online links to other sites. We hope that these links will provide you with ways to celebrate your faith, find prayers and reflections, as well as activities to sustain you.

Fr Jinjo will continue to pray for our sick, our recently deceased and for anniversaries. If you would like a name included on the bulletin, please email to

Our peace and blessings to you all.

Keeping the Hope Alive

St Kilian's Parish six-week small reflections program through their Facebook page continues each Thursday at 10.30am, providing an opportunity for us to grow in faith and keep our hope in Christ alive.

Last Thursday, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, an amazing person, a master theologian, a prolific writer and a great speaker, gave a clarity of message of HOPE. If you missed joining in, the video is still able to be watched on St Kilian’s Facebook page.

End Covid for All

As COVID-19 continues to impact parts of Australia, millions of people around the world are also dealing with the impacts of the virus. Many of these communities were already facing poor sanitation, overcrowding and limited access to healthcare. How can you combat COVID-19 without access to adequate sanitation and healthcare?

Caritas Australia has joined churches and aid agencies for #EndCOVIDForAll, a pledge of support that will be taken to government to show our support for vulnerable communities, because it’s not over until it’s over for everyone. For more information on #EndCOVIDForAll or to sign the pledge go to

Online Masses and Resources for You at Home

Please see our Parish website for information about options available for online Masses, as well as resources for Sunday readings and family prayer.

Sunday Mass Livestreamed

Mass still continues to be celebrated at St Kilian’s Church, on Sundays at 10.00am, livestreamed to the diocese’s website:

St Kilian’s Parish, through their Facebook page, also has live online Holy Mass at 12.10pm Monday through to Saturday each week, as well as Rosary at 9.00pm every night. Simply search for St Kilian’s Parish on Facebook.