Home and School Organisation

At Home Organisation / Home Learning Packs / School Organisation

Tricky Words

Tricky words are words that are very common. They are also called high frequency words and are spelled using uncommon spelling patterns e.g. said, are. These words are explicitly taught during whole group instruction. Over 60% of words that we encounter in texts are tricky words, therefore for your child to have success in reading and writing it is crucial that they know these words. You can support your child by practising these words alongside their reading. You can find these words in the back of your child’s reading diary and we also sent home an A4 version. It is good idea to continually revise these words on a regular basis to make sure that your child has them in their long term memory. We are looking for your child to transfer their understanding into their reading. 

Home Reading Books

Home reading should be a fun and rewarding experience for all involved, so if it is becoming a battle or a source of frustration, take a break and try again later. It is fine to read a book with your child (eg a page each) or to read to your child before they read the book to you. Aim for 15 mins at the most as children may lose concentration after that point and they have had a full day of learning school.


Reading Night 1

Reading Night  2

Reading Night  3

Reading Night  4

“Ready” page


Home Learning Pack

Session 1

Page “Set”, “Go” and half the book.


Home Learning Pack

Session 2

Page “Go,” the rest of the book and checking for understanding. 


Home Learning Pack

Session 3

Re-read the text and extra laps. 


Re-reading improves accuracy, fluency, comprehension and confidence. 

Home Learning

Very soon your child will receive their first home work grid. The homework grid has been designed by considering the whole child. It will include many different activities which your child can complete. The purpose of the homework grid is for your child to develop successful learning habits like being organised and responsible, as well as sharing our school learning with you at home. 


We have created some home learning packs in literacy that will help you support your child to work towards achieving these next steps. The packs are all based around areas of phonological awareness and phonics. Achievement of these skills are fundamental for children learning to read. These include: 

  • Rhyme
  • Blending and segmenting
  • Initial sound identification
  • Fluency
  • Handwriting

The pack your child receives will be at the discretion of your child’s class teacher. This is informed by data the teacher has collected during progress monitoring. Your child’s teacher will borrow the pack out under your child’s name and it will be sent home in their book bag. This is an individualised process. We advise that you work through the pack over a 3 week period, spending around 10 minutes each session (as this is in addition to reading). Then return the pack to school.

Receptions Connections

We have created a Reception Connections website to support home learning. The site is aimed at providing further information about what our students are learning at school and how you can support your child at home. It includes information about reading, tricky words, sounds and phonological awareness. It can be used as a guide to support families to navigate the reading process including getting ready to read, reading the text and comprehending the text. You will also notice the website contains some numeracy learning including, subitising and rainbow facts to 10. These drills will support your child’s understanding of numbers and further develop their fluency with counting and identifying how many. 

You can access the site using this url: https://sites.google.com/lnps.sa.edu.au/receptionconnections/home


Healthy Eating 

Healthy eating will continue every morning.

Following our unit on how to be your own superhero your child will be able to identify 'green light' foods that are appropriate foods to fuel their body for learning.

A manageable piece of fruit or vegetable is preferred for this time. 

Lunch Boxes

As well as a snack for healthy eating please provide your child with something to eat for both  recess and lunch.

Please clearly label all food containers and drink bottles. 

Lunch orders- Monday and Friday Villis and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is Subway.

Library  Days

M6- Monday

R7/8- Friday

Please help your child to remember to return their books and borrow using their reader folder.


Have you completed your Premier's Reading Challenge? 


The PRC books are for shared reading and to encourage a love for reading. The cold and wet days are a perfect time to find a cosy place and share a book together. 

10 What Questions to Ask Your Child

1.  What did you do today that made you think hard?

2. What happened today that made you keep going?

3. What can you learn from this?

4. What mistakes did you make that taught you something?

5. What did you try hard at today?

6. What strategy could you use next time?

7. What will you do to challenge yourself today?

8. What will you do to imporve your work?

9. What was the best part of your day?

10. What will you do to solve this problem?