The implementation of wellbeing structures and programs at the College has been a focus over the past few years. The introduction in 2021 of a Head of Secondary School and Director of College Wellbeing will provide the opportunity to operationally consolidate this important aspect of the College. In the early stages of the College, as the student population rapidly increased, the decision was made to grow from two Houses - Sheppard and Browning to four Houses with the addition of Fox and Stanley. In 2021, with a large student population in the Secondary School and the advent of the Junior School, it is time to add what will be the final two Houses to our community. After receiving a range of responses from The Riverina Anglican College staff earlier in the year regarding influential people from our College history, after consultation with the Board and with the Diocese and with the blessing of Bishop Mark, the new Houses at The Riverina Anglican College from the beginning of 2021 are Blackwell House and Willsher House. 


In Term 4, families will have the opportunity to apply to move from their current House, should they wish to, into one of the new Houses. The rare chance to build a culture in a new House is both exciting and challenging. The addition of Blackwell House and Willsher House will provide enhanced opportunities for all students to compete for their House and bring a sense of renewed House camaraderie and competition for 2021. Browning, Fox, Sheppard and Stanley will grow in House spirit in 2021 and it is shaping up to be a very exciting and competitive year ahead as six Houses vie for the Peter Green Cup.


I will be in touch in Term 4 to provide you with information regarding House structures and competition in 2021. I would like to thank Mr Ross Kennedy for putting his graphic art skills toward creating these wonderful House logos, and to the Board, Senior Executive, HoDs and the LoWs for their feedback and willingness to engage and advise me regarding with this next exciting phase in our College history.

During the past couple of weeks, Mrs Liakatos, Mrs Bowen and I had the privilege to meet with all of the aspiring 2020/21 Student School Leaders to discuss their vision for the next 12 months. They are going to be outstanding and I am so very excited by the possibilities, development and commitment that will be part of this group. Each of these students consistently demonstrated all that is rich and diverse about our College and I am sure the final composition will be a team that will develop a vibrant and mature culture within both the leadership group and the College. 


All prospective Captains will deliver their speeches to the College via a live stream on Monday 24 August. They are busily pre-recording these and I would like to thank and acknowledge Mr Tyndall for his assistance with this.


The Induction Ceremony for these students is scheduled for Monday 21 September.










Paul Humble | Principal