Music News 

Instrumental Building Project

In Term 2, when we were learning from home, I started an instrument building project, making a small hurdy gurdy from a kit. 


Those of you who found this interesting will know that, sadly, some parts broke during the construction process, so I had to wait for spares to be sent from America. 


The parts arrived and on Monday, August 10, I decided to sit down and get on with the job. It was all going very smoothly, as you will see from the Youtube link below:


This gave me a great deal of satisfaction and spurred me on to continue:


All was going well until – you guessed it – another mishap:


So, again, I have written to the manufacturers, in the hope that they will send out some replacement parts so I can finally get this job done.


Here’s hoping!

Audrey Fine

Music Department

Music to listen with Your Family

It is the wish of your Music teachers to provide you with music to listen to with your family, from time to time, that will lift your spirits. It has been well documented that it only takes 7 seconds of listening to music for your mood to start to shift and it only gets better from there.


Students have had the chance to learn some of Susie and Phil’s songs over the past 2 years. All of your Music teachers included Scooby Doo into one of our remote learning Music classes recently. Our choir sang “I Believe” in an assembly last year (remember that beautiful song we performed including Auslan?). 


Here is another song that Susie and Phil wrote earlier this year, when we first started working and learning from home, together with a message directly from them:


“With everything that’s going on right now Phil and I felt inspired to write a song about the hope we have for the future. It's called ‘A New Tomorrow’.”