Mental Health Matters  

Be You Team – Wellbeing Workshop

On Wednesday 5 August, the Be You Team attended a virtual workshop with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. The presenter Ann-Siobhan was gathering information from schools about how well being operates and the protective factors for mental health within our school. The Be You Team had the opportunity to share and discuss some of the following questions:


Do your parents access mental health support?

Is there a stigma associated with mental health?

What social and emotional learning program do you use?

What are the barriers for students accessing wellbeing support?

How do you monitor wellbeing during remote learning (COVID-19)?


The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute recognises there are huge socio-economic barriers and challenges which prevent mental health issues being identified and support being accessed for students in need. They have been researching a new model in the UK, which they hope will be implemented in Australia, where a mental health professional is placed in schools and classrooms to support teachers in wellbeing issues as they arise.


The presenter, Ann-Siobhan was very complimentary of how our school community works as a team to access mental health support. She commented “I’m still reeling at how functional (and no doubt fortunate) your school is with regard to supporting your children’s mental health and wellbeing. The first I’ve come across since carrying out focus groups since March!”


We thank the Be You Team for your participation and engagement with supporting this research project.


Many thanks,

Be You Leaders – Carolann Clifford and Jessica Patane