Classroom News 

Year 5/6 News

Last week we said goodbye to Renee and Michelah, pre service teachers from ACU, who had been with us for the last 7 weeks. They worked well with teachers and students and we wish them well in their teaching careers.  On their last day, some of the teachers were lucky to catch a performance from some of the choir as they sang for Renee and Michelah. 

Denise Esposito Y5/6 Classroom Teacher 

3/4 News 

Excursion to CERES!

On Friday the 18th of October the 3/4 students went to an excursion to CERES. They participated in lots of fun, educational activities and had an enjoyable day. Some of the activities included netting for 'Mini- beasts', looking at natural habitats on a nature walk, tasting and looking at Aboriginal plantation, looking for worms and 'Mini-beasts' and lots more. A big thank you to all the parent helpers who came with us! 


Congratulations Sarah! 

This Wednesday we said goodbye to Sarah, Alexandra's pre service teacher from ACU, who was working with the 3/4 students over the past seven weeks. The 3/4's were sad to see her go but happy as she is now a qualified teacher. We congratulate Sarah on her achievements and wish her all the best in her teaching career.