
Coffee Morning

Latest department update for the Coronavirus

Whilst our school has not had anyone who has been affected by the virus, we will continue to advise you of any updates we receive.

The Department of Education and Training has consulted with Victoria’s Chief Health Officer and Department of Health and Human Services to provide the following advice to schools and local communities:

Remind your staff and students that everyone can protect against infections by practising good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, or cough into your elbow, dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash your hands afterwards. Wash your hands regularly, after using the toilet, and before eating.

Nurse Cecile

Pupil Free Day - 14th February

Friday 14th February - Pupil Free Day at Brighton Primary School - Students are not required to attend school.  After hours school care provider Team Kids is available to take bookings for this day. 


Tuesday 25th February we will be celebrating Carnevale & Chinese New Year.  Look out for further details on your Compass Newsfeed.

School assembly held Friday afternoons in 2020

Our assemblies this year will be held on Friday from 3:00 - 3:30 pm in the gym. Our first assembly will be conducted this Friday 7th February from 3:00 - 3:30 pm. Parents are welcome to attend our assemblies. 

BPS Teachers assist Sandy Primary

As you may know, Sandringham Primary School was affected by a fire through its main building over the weekend. The students and staff are in the process of relocating to neighbouring schools, Sandringham East PS and Sandringham College, for an indefinite period of time. Following a call for help, we were happy to send three of our teachers to assist our colleagues unpack, clean and prepare their new learning spaces. This is an emotional time for the Sandringham Primary community and we were pleased to be able to offer some support during this difficult process.

Shae Langford-Jones

New Bike Parking 

Over the holidays the bike parking area has had a clean up.  There are now two areas for bike parking located at the front entrance between the library and senior school building. 

Zone 1 is designated for bikes and Zone 2 (next to the fence) is designated for scooters.


School Banking returns Wednesday 19th February