In the Classroom with...

Ms Lam

What is one of your hidden talents?

I had to ask my friends for help with this one, and according to them, I could easily brighten someone’s day when they’re having a bad one!


What makes a ‘great’ day at school?

A great day at school for me is when students can question what they are learning and express curiosity for topics beyond the curriculum.


Your dream vacation would be?

My dream vacation would be going to Bora Bora to nap in one of those ocean view bungalows.


What inspires you?

Educators who are passionate about what they teach and can create unique resources for their classroom inspire me – like the creator of BioNinja! I want to be able to create my own style of resources one day when I’ve settled into my teaching career and have the time to do so.


What would students be surprised to find out about you?

Students would be surprised that I listen to pretty much the same music as they do – I am a teacher, but I am still young at heart.


If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

Don’t feel as if you must have it all figured out by the time you finish school. You have a whole lifetime ahead of you – learn to enjoy the journey and the company along the way.


What is your favorite subject to teach?

Biology for sure!


The best thing about being a teacher at the College?

Getting to know my students and finding out something new about them every day!