Athletic Sports

The Annual House Athletics Sports for will be held on FRIDAY 6th SEPTEMBER,
commencing at 10.15 am. All parents and family members are welcome to attend to cheer on our students.
- Children from all year levels will represent their houses in individual and team events on the day
- All children are requested to wear comfortable running shoes on the day
- If students have t-shirts in their house colours, we encourage them to wear them
- Individual competitor’s cards in house colours will need to be pinned on to a t-shirt. These cards will be distributed to students on the day, before the sports, and will be a record of your child’s participation and achievements to keep afterwards.
- Programs will be on sale at the general office from Wednesday 5th September @ 50c each (and also on the day of the sports)
- All students are to bring their own morning snacks, lunch and drink bottle
- LUNCH TIME 1.25PM – 1.40PM (approx.) There will be no school lunch orders available
- There will be a BBQ available with Sausages, Hamburgers and Dim Sims. Limited canteen items will also be available
As part of our Athletics program at NPS, and following on from our own House Athletics Day, students may have the opportunity to compete at the next level, which will be Division Athletics in Shepparton. Selection here involves teachers monitoring and observing students efforts and achievements throughout the course of Term 3, through our weekly training sessions with Skillzone, the House Athletics Day, and then scheduled trials the previous 3 weeks leading up to the Division day on MONDAY 14th OCTOBER. Please take note of point 6 below, which states that each school may nominate one competitor for each event, e.g. - one boy, one girl, and also point 7, family cost is $10 per competitor. Please think carefully about supporting and encouraging our students here, whilst also being aware that for some events there are minimum standards (see high jump below). Before the event, I will complete the application forms for students wishing to attend and compete. The due date for these forms is Friday 20th September. Parents are responsible to transport their own child and supervise them at the Division Athletics.
Further Details for DIVISION ATHLETICS 2019:
- The 2019 Athletics Carnival for the Goulburn Murray Division will be held at Mc Ewen Reserve Track and Field Complex Shepparton on MONDAY 14 OCTOBER.
- Ages are calculated, as at December 31 of the current year, e.g. a child who turns 11 at any time during 2018 will compete in the 11 years events.
- A child is permitted to compete in two individual events. No child can enter the same event in two different age groups.
- Each school may nominate one competitor for each event, e.g. - one boy, one girl.
- Family cost is $10 per competitor.
- Place getters in each event will receive division ribbons.
- Please be aware that we start the high jump at the following heights at division.
Boys 11 & 12/13 yrs 115cm, boys 9/10 yrs 105cm.
Girls 11 & 12/13 yrs 110cm, girls 9/10yrs 100cm
The first 4 place getters in 100m, 200m, 800m, & 1500m and the first 2 place getters in the Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Discus & Shot Put will be eligible and invited to compete in the Regional Championships at Alexandra Park, Cadell St, Albury on Friday 19 October.