What's Happening?

Term 3

Thursday 22nd August - Community Reading Day

Wednesday 28th August - Year 6 Transition Visit to Numurkah Secondary College (1:30 pm - 3 pm)

Thursday 29th August - Father's Day Chat and Chew Breakfast

Thursday 29th August - Father's Day Stall

Friday 30th August - Student free day due to staff professional development

Friday 6th September - School Athletics Day


Save the Date!

Wednesday 18th September - School Concert - Matinee Performance

Thursday 19th September - School Concert - Evening

Father's Day Stall Donations


Further information about the stall can be found on the Parents and Friends page later in the newsletter.

Camps Program

Thank you to those families who have returned their Expressions of Interest for the upcoming camps for our Year 56 and Year 34 students. There are still some students who haven't returned their form as yet. It is important that we receive the form back from each student as we require an indication of whether students are attending or not so that we can finalise arrangements for each camp. If you require another camp form please contact the office. 

Father's Day 'Chat 'n Chew' Breakfast

To celebrate Father’s Day, we invite all dads, granddads, & male carers, and your child/ren to breakfast at school on:

Thursday 29th August

 from 8.00am to 8.50am

(library courtyard)


Father’s Day Raffle tickets will be on sale,

and winners announced later in the day ($1.00 / ticket)


Please RSVP to the front office by Tuesday 27th August for catering purposes.

Transition and Early Start Program for 2020 Preps