Parents and Friends

Parents & Friends AGM

Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM held on Wednesday 21st August. We are pleased to announce that all executive positions have been filled and we welcome both returning members and new members to the P&F Committee.


The executive positions for 2019 are:

President - Melissa Hall

Secretary - Kristie Walker

Treasurer - Sarah Colliver


Along with our executive positions we also have a number of general members who will support and assist in the running of the P&F and their activities. If anyone is interested in joining the P&F new members are always welcome. Meetings will be held on Wednesdays with times alternating between morning, afternoon and evenings to cater for all availabilities. Meeting dates and times will be advertised in the Newsletter, on Facebook and also in the Compass Calendar.

Father's Day Stall

Father's day is fast approaching!


Parents and Friends will again be running a Father's Day Stall for students. If you could please donate some items either for the father's day stall gifts, or as raffle prizes they would be greatly appreciated. Some ideas include BBQ items, toiletries, car items, gardening items, coffee mugs/travel mugs, etc. We could also use some more lollies/chocolates to put in the gifts (please can they be wrapped ones).

Please drop all items at the office.


The Father's Day Stall will be held on Thursday 29th August. All gifts will be priced at $4 and 50c raffle tickets will also be available. Students will attend with their class to purchase a gift. If there are gifts remaining students will then be given an option to purchase a second one. 


Raffle tickets will also be available for sale at the Father's Day 'Chat 'n Chew' Breakfast.


Thank you in advance from the P&F committee

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