From the Principal...

Welcome Back!

It was immensely enjoyable this week to welcome all our students back. While most students had been in for at least one or two days a week it was only this week that we had seen other students return for the first time. 


It will be a time of adjustment and resettling, but we are just happy to have our students back onsite! And then it snowed... which added to the excitement of so many of our little people as they came into school!


I know for many not being allowed into the school is hard but the positive I take out of it, is witnessing the growth in independence and confidence of so many of our anxious children who now separate from their families and come happily into school! 

Parenting Ideas Articles

As we transition back into school I wanted to share two pertinent articles from Parenting Ideas with you that provide some helpful advice on supporting your child during this time. 


Successfully Transitioning Students Back to School is the first article. Returning to school after a remote learning experience is another new challenge for students. By focusing on reconnection, parents and teachers can make this adjustment easier for kids.


The second article is about Conquering Kids’ Techno-Tantrums and talks about the psychological appeal of technology for children and how you can get them to 'unplug from their technology without having a melt-down.