
"Challenging... Inspiring...Faith Building!"


Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish

A schedule of Mass times is available on the Parish Website.




The biblical theme for 2020 is: They Showed Us Unusual Kindness (Acts 28:2). 


This week we have been asked to move from sharing prayer to sharing actions.  The theme above returns us to the historic shipwreck of Paul on the island of Malta.  Here we are called to show greater generosity to those in need.  This is especially relevant in the current climate of uncertainty, where many are suffering in different ways, and needs are varying greatly.  There is no one who has not been impacted in some way by the current pandemic, and we are called to actively support each other as best we can. 


As faithful we are called to unusual kindness. But in order to give we must first learn to receive – from Christ and from others. More often than we realize, we are recipients of acts of kindness from people who are different from us. These acts also point towards the generosity and healing of our Lord. We who have been healed by the Lord are responsible for passing on that which we have received.


Hospitality is a much needed virtue in our search for Christian unity. It is a practice that calls us to a greater generosity to those in need. The people who showed unusual kindness to Paul and his companions did not yet know Christ, and yet it is through their unusual kindness that a divided people were drawn closer together. Our own Christian unity will be discovered not only through showing hospitality to one another, important though this is, but also through loving encounters with those who do not share our language, culture or faith. In such tempestuous journeys and chance encounters, God’s will for his Church and all people comes to fulfillment. As Paul will proclaim in Rome, this salvation of God has been sent to all peoples (see Acts 28:28).





God, giver of life, 

we thank you for the gift of your compassionate love 

which soothes and strengthens us. 

We pray that our churches may be always open 

to receive your gifts from one another. 

Grant us a spirit of generosity to all 

as we journey together in the path of Christian unity. 

We ask this in the name of your Son, 

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. 




(Resources for THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY and throughout the year 2020 Jointly prepared and published by The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches)