Classroom News - Year 2

Welcome Back

We are thrilled to have all of Year 2 back in the classroom, as we return back to normal. We appreciate all the hard work families have been doing at home with their children during online learning. 

Children are reminded to bring their own drink bottles to school as the bubblers are still not in use. It is important that children remember their hygiene, by not putting things in their mouths and nose. Mrs Phelps and Miss Simpson have been ensuring all hands are cleaned upon entry to the classroom.

National Simultaneous Story Time

Last week Year 2 took part of National Simultaneous Story Time. The children at school watched "Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas" by Lucinda Gifford. Afterwards we had a fun time doing different activities related to the story.


Snow Day!

Yesterday we had our first snow day for the year. Everyone in Year 2 were very excited, including their teachers! As we get to the cooler days of Winter, children are reminded to dress for the weather. We have already had a few upset faces due to small bumps in the playground that have hurt because of the cold weather. 

Darcy eating some snow while wearing his warm school uniform.
Xavier eating some snow with his beanie on.
Darcy eating some snow while wearing his warm school uniform.
Xavier eating some snow with his beanie on.

Pentecost PBL

Last week we finished our Pentecost PLB. We saw some fabulous work from students in the form of songs, dances, prayers, poems and drawings!

PBL by Asha Gray
PBL by Khloe Turner
PBL by Asha Gray
PBL by Khloe Turner