One Heart. One Day. One Hope Community Project  

 Sunday 20 September 2020

In 2020, together, we have faced, and continue to face, extraordinary challenges. The heart of Sacré Cœur is strong, and has been a source of comfort, connection and courage for generations of women through the best and worst of times.


To capture the essence of our Cor Unum spirit during these challenging days, we invite all members of our community – alumnae, students, staff and Board and Committee members to be part of our “One Heart. One Day. One Hope.” Community Project.  


We want to capture the moments and hopes of a single day that speaks to our experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. With Alumnae scattered around the country and the world, we look forward to seeing into your experience, locally and internationally.


On Sunday 20 September we invite you to do one of two things:  

• Capture a photo of your lockdown life and provide a short caption (10 words or less); OR


• In 25 words or less finish the statement “Today my hope for the future is …”


Ideas of moments to capture could include:  

• Working from home space

• Students studying at their home desk

• Cooking, baking (making sourdough!)

• Nurses/doctors on shift in PPE gear

• Workplace in action

• Trips to the supermarket and shops

• Exercise, walks to the park, gardens

You can get creative!


The submissions will then be collated and will appear either:  

1. Within an e-book that will be shared with all the community and beyond; OR

2. Within our 2020 yearbook, Cor Unum; OR

3. A social media post on the School Facebook and Instagram pages.

This project will also be an important addition to our archives, capturing the life of our community during the pandemic.


How to submit

Submissions are to be sent toOne Heart and are due by Sunday 27 September. 

Please include:  

• Full Name

• Graduating Year

Note that only your first name and Graduating Year will be published i.e. Mary, Class of 1988. If you are a past staff member please provide the years that you worked at Sacré Cœur; you will be identified as follows – Julia, Teacher 1993 – 1998.


Important note regarding permissions  

By submitting you are agreeing to the following Permission to Publish. If you are submitting a photo that features other people, you must seek their permission, advising them that their photo will be published in one of the three ways listed above.


We look forward to seeing the heart of Sacré Cœur in your submissions.