Middle Years 

I am proud of all our students and the way they have adjusted to RLP 2.0. Over the weekend, I reflected on recent conversations, and my overall feeling is that RLP 2.0 is going well and students are coping better from a wellbeing perspective. Many students have worked out how cope at home, how to maintain a positive and pragmatic approach to this phase of their life.

During our online Wellbeing lessons, we have had some wonderful discussions. I am impressed that most of students are;

  • maintaining their positive approach yet acknowledge that being in front of a screen is tiring.
  • Worked out ways of still connecting with each other.
  • Trying to get good dailyexercise and get heart rates up.
  • Enjoying the freedoms that remote learning offers, including being able to get outside at the end of the day and no long bus trips.
  • focusing on the good things in their lives.
  • Trying to eat well, and not snack all day on junk food.

“What if?

I asked students if they are “over remote learning” and yes, some students are over it. I asked, “what if?”. “What if life immediately returned to full time normal schooling with sport, bus travel, full days and weekends?”

I asked, “what would they miss about remote learning and being at home?” 

When normal school resumes and the pandemic is behind us, I suspect many students will miss remote learning. On my first mentor meeting after the RLP 1, some of my mentees said they wanted to continue with remote learning. In summary, let’s not wish this time away, let’s instead take a calm and mindful approach. Let’s be present focused. 

Our Positive Education focus over the last two weeks has been Mindfulness.


When you are mindful:

  • It gives you a clear head.
  • Slows down your thoughts.
  • Slows down your nervous system.
  • Gives your body time to heal.
  • Allows you to relax.
  • Helps you cope with stress.
  • Helps you be more aware of yourself, your body, and the environment.

Here is a brilliant short Headspace video, which captures mindfulness beautifully.

The Elephant; Slow and Steady - https://youtu.be/rpJYACy8ZoI


Mrs Julia Winter Cooke

Head of Middle Years